Read Cómo comen los dinosaurios? Ebook Free
Cómo comen los dinosaurios?
Author:Jane Yolen,Mark Teague
Published on 2005 by Scholastic en Espanol
Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook

Book Description :
How does a dinosaur eat all his food? Does he burp, does he belch, or make noises quite rude? Does he pick at his cereal, throw down his cup, hoping to make someone else pick it up? Just like kids, dinosaurs have a difficult time learning to behave at the table. However, with a little help from Mom and Dad, these young dinosaurs eat all before them with smiles and goodwill. As in their previous books, Yolen and Teague capture children's rambunctious natures with playful read-aloud verse and wonderfully amusing pictures. Spanish title: Como comen los dinosaurios? Que hace un dinosaurio durante la comida? Eructa, hace ruidos y groserias?Tira el cereal y la taza arroja y espera que alguien luego la recoja? Al igual que los chicos, los dinosaurios tardan en aprender a comportarse en la mesa. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de papa y mama, estos pequenos dinosaurios llegan a comer todo con una sonrisa y buena disposicion. Como en sus libros anteriores, Yolen y Teague recrean la tendencia natural al desorden de los chicos mediante rimas juguetonas y dibujos muy divertidos.- Author -Jane Yolen,Mark Teague
- Format BOOK | 40 Pages
- Published 2005 by Scholastic en Espanol
- Language es
- CategoryJuvenile Fiction
- ISBN10 0439764041
- ISBN13 9780439764049
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in es
Ebook Available formats: PDF, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Audiobook
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